high quality from the manufacturer

100% ultrasonic inspection
100% ultrasonic inspection
100% ultrasonic inspection
100% ultrasonic inspection
Abou us
We have been working on the market of tool steels since January 2005 and we try to meet as much as possible the requirements of our customers, including the leading machine-building enterprises of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, and also the famous steel trading companies in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.
Due to the significant deterioration in the quality of tool grades produced in Russia, as well as the fact that the secondary market has almost exhausted itself, we were forced to turn to foreign manufacturers.
Now under the trademarkwe produce hot rolled and forged bars of tool, stainless and high-speed steels directly in China.
For last seven years we have passed the way from the suppliers selection to creating of our own production at existing facilities in China.
Because of successful logistics solutions, minimization of production costs and flexible pricing policy, today we can confidently say that our export prices are the best in China, with the most careful quality control of products.
It is very important that the products supplied to Russia are manufactured in accordance with Russian State standard. In addition, we are able to produce products with special requirements (improved microstructure, special heat treatment with mechanical turning and milling).
Currently we undoubtedly compete with the leading European suppliers on the steels delivered under the trademarkas well as on the quality of the productions delivered by Russian enterprises - manufactures since the criteria which are considered as "special conditions" by domestic producers are usual business for us.
Abou us
We have been working on the market of tool steels since January 2005 and we try to meet as much as possible the requirements of our customers, including the leading machine-building enterprises of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, and also the famous steel trading companies in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.
Due to the significant deterioration in the quality of tool grades produced in Russia, as well as the fact that the secondary market has almost exhausted itself, we were forced to turn to foreign manufacturers.
Now under the trademarkwe produce hot rolled and forged bars of tool, stainless and high-speed steels directly in China.
For last seven years we have passed the way from the suppliers selection to creating of our own production at existing facilities in China.
Because of successful logistics solutions, minimization of production costs and flexible pricing policy, today we can confidently say that our export prices are the best in China, with the most careful quality control of products.
It is very important that the products supplied to Russia are manufactured in accordance with Russian State standard. In addition, we are able to produce products with special requirements (improved microstructure, special heat treatment with mechanical turning and milling).
Currently we undoubtedly compete with the leading European suppliers on the steels delivered under the trademarkas well as on the quality of the productions delivered by Russian enterprises - manufactures since the criteria which are considered as "special conditions" by domestic producers are usual business for us.
high speed of of orders providing
good geometry and quality surface
100% ultrasonic inspection
100% ultrasonic inspection
hot-rolled and forged rounds:
grinding or turning
hot rolled and cold rolled flat bars:
forged, black surface
forged flat bars and rounds:
black/milled surface